Publikationen 2023

Folgende wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten wurden von GSASA-Mitgliedern in verschiedenen internationalen Zeitschriften publiziert. Mit klicken auf den jeweiligen Titel öffnet das entsprechende Abstract.


Nutritional strategies for correcting low glucose values in patients with postbariatric hypoglycaemia: A randomized controlled three-arm crossover trial

Katja A. Schönenberger1,2 , Antonio Ferreira1 , Céline Stebler1 , Francesco Prendin3 , Joanna Gawinecka4 , Christos T. Nakas5,6 , Stefan Mühlebach2 , Zeno Stanga1 , Andrea Facchinetti3 , David Herzig1 , Lia Bally1,2,
Published in: Diabetes Obes Metab (2023;19)


Ernährungsintervention – ein fester Bestandteil der Krebstherapie

Stefan Mühlebach1
Published in : Schweiz Zeitschr Onkologie (SZO 2023/4:29-30)


Current State of the Art and Practical Aspects of Enteral Nutrition (Special issue)

Stefan F. Mühlebach 1, Katja Schönenberger 1,2 (Guest Editors)
Published in: Nutrients (2023; 15)
doi: see individual publications


Quality of Life in the Management of Home Parenteral Nutrition

Katja A. Schönenberger1, Emilie Reber1, Valentina V. Huwiler1,2, Christa Dürig1, Raphaela Muri1, Michèle Leuenberger3, Stefan Mühlebach2, Zeno Stanga1
Published in: Ann Nutr Metab (2023;79:326–333)


The Role of Dietary Fibre in Enteral Nutrition in Sepsis Prevention and Therapy: a narrative Review

Valentina V. Huwiler 1,2, Melanie Scalise 3,4, Katja A. Schönenberger 1,2, Stefan Mühlebach 2,  Zeno Stanga 1, Maria L. Balmer 1,3,4
Published in : Nutrients (2023;15,2489:1-21)
doi: org/10.3390/ nu15112489


Aluminum and other chemical elements in parenteral nutrition components and all-in-one admixtures
Published in: Clinical Nutrition (2023;42:2475-2483)


Chap. 4: Development and Validation of a LC-MS/MS Method to Measure Phenytoin in Human Brain Dialysate, Blood, and Saliva and the Analytical Comparison with a GC-MS Method and a Recently Published LC-MS/MS Method
Publisched in: Scicchitano P, ed.
doi: 10.9734/bpi/rdmms/v4/3474A


Assessing the Risk of Developing Delirium on Admission to Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Clinical Prediction Model
Published in: J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023 Aug
doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.07.003


Tackling Alert Fatigue with a Semi-automated Clinical Decision Support System: Quantitative evaluation and end-user survey
Hendrike Dahmke, Rico Fiumefreddo, Philipp Schuetz, Remo De Iaco, Claudia Zaugg
Published in: Swiss Med Wkly 2023;153:40082
doi: 10.57187/smw.2023.40082


Development of a Protocol Using the Delphi Method for the ad interim Supply of Hormonal Contraceptives in Swiss Pharmacies

Tamara Yous, Esther Spinatsch, Samuel Allemann, Monika Lutters
Published in: Pharmacy (Basel). 2022 Dec 2;10(6):168
doi: 10.3390/pharmacy10060168

How to write a successful grant application: guidance provided by the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy

Anita E Weidmann 1, Cathal A Cadogan 2, Daniela Fialová 3 4, Ankie Hazen 5, Martin Henman 6, Monika Lutters 7, Betul Okuyan 8, Vibhu Paudyal 9, Francesca Wirth 10
Published in : Int J Clin Pharm. 2023 Mar 6
doi: 10.1007/s11096-023-01543-7

Predicting delirium in older non-intensive care unit inpatients: development and validation of the DELIrium risK Tool (DELIKT)

Angela E Schulthess-Lisibach 1 2 3 4 5, Giulia Gallucci 1, Valérie Benelli 1, Ramona Kälin 1, Sven Schulthess 1, Marco Cattaneo 6, Patrick E Beeler 7 8, Chantal Csajka 9 10 11 12, Monika Lutters 13 14
Published in: Int J Clin Pharm. 2023 Apr 15
doi: 10.1007/s11096-023-01566-0


Potential Risk Factors for, and Clinical Implications of, Delirium during Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Matched Case-Control Study
Marco G. Ceppi MSc a,b, Marlene S. Rauch PhD a,c, Julia Spöndlin PhD a,c, Andreas R. Gantenbein MDb,d, Christoph R. Meier PhD a,c,e, Peter S. Sándor MDb,d,*


Implementation status of safety measures to prevent errors with non-oncologic methotrexate: surveys in community and hospital pharmacies

Lea D. Brühwiler1, Simone J. Gresch1,2, David L.B. Schwappach1,3
Published in : Int J Clin Pharm 2023
doi: 10.1007/s11096-023-01567-z


Management of the COVID-19 health crisis a survey of Swiss health authorities’responses

Laurence Schumacher1, 2; Josiane Tinguely Casserini3, 4; Pascal Bonnabry1, 2; Nicolas Widmer
Published in : Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (2023)
doi: 10.1017/dmp.2023.36


Topical corticosteroid or emollient product: Which to apply first?

Christian Surber1,2; Jasmin Robertis3; Daphne Reinau3
1Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 2Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 3Hospital Pharmacy, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
DOI: 10.1111/jdv.18797


ESPEN Practical Guideline: home parenteral nutrition
Loris Pironi 1 , Kurt Boeykens 2 , Federico Bozzetti 3 , Francisca Joly 4 , Stanislaw Klek 5, Simon Lal 6 , Marek Lichota 7 , Stefan Mühlebach 8 , Andre Van Gossum 9 , Geert Wanten 10 , Carolyn Wheatley 11 , Stephan C Bischoff 12
Published in Clin Nutr 2023;42(3):411-430
doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2022.12.003